About District 4

District 4 is one of 47 legislative districts in North Dakota and includes the areas of Berthold, Blaisdell, Carpio, Donnybrook, Douglas, Garrison, Kenmare, Makoti, Max, New Town, Palermo, Parshall, Plaza, Ryder, White Shield, and others. We are committed to sponsoring and supporting legislation that aligns with the Republican Party Platform and that reflects the values that founded our great nation.

We believe in the sanctity of life, individual liberty, personal responsibility, limited government, peace through strength and rule of law, low taxes, inalienable rights, parental rights, school choice, and legislative integrity.

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Grassroots conservatism

Creating positive political change begins at the local level. Becoming a member of District 4 Republicans is an effective way to advocate for conservative values in the legislation that affects North Dakotans the most.

District 4 Leadership

Creating positive political change begins at the local level. Becoming a member of District 4 Republicans is an effective way to advocate for conservative values in the legislation that affects North Dakotans the most.